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Some voluntary sector leaders share their experience of working with South Yorkshire Charity Mentors


"my mentor‘s objectivity and encouragement have contributed to building my confidence to turn our charity from a sinking ship to an (almost) thriving strategic player in the voluntary sector"

Voluntary Sector Leader

we have discussed strategic challenges my organisation faced and looked at outcomes and the journey to get there, through thought provoking and open conversations. I think they have helped me to develop in my role, they have given me confidence in decisions or plans I was making and allowed me to sound off ideas and situations with someone who deals with similar challenges. Thanks to my mentor and South Yorkshire Charity Mentors for what has been a rewarding experience.

Voluntary Sector Leader

"My mentor brought decades of relevant experience to help to navigate a significant strategic challenge...the work had a successful outcome..which exceeded our expectations"

Voluntary Sector Leader

"It’s been really helpful to have someone externally to bounce ideas off and to learn"

Voluntary Sector Leader

I have been really grateful to work with such a knowledgeable and friendly mentor.

Voluntary sector leader

It has been a great experience to think through all aspects of my career with someone with such experience.

Voluntary sector leader

Working with my mentor has “…helped me to look from a different angle which has really helped me moving forward”

Voluntary sector leader

Thank you and I think it is a wonderful and great development opportunity

Voluntary sector leader

It’s brilliant

Voluntary sector leader
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South Yorkshire Charity Mentors Logo
Our mentoring programme connects the senior leaders of South Yorkshire’s charities and community groups with experienced leaders from other sectors, giving them the opportunity to secure strategic level mentoring and support. Our proactive programme is based on short term mentoring relationships which mainly focus on strategic issues. The programme is free of charge.