South Yorkshire Charity Mentors Logo
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South Yorkshire Charity Mentors (SYCM) is hosted by the South Yorkshire Community Foundation. Key policies and procedures are provided by the Foundation.

Our Policies

Our Policies

South Yorkshire Charity Mentors has a comprehensive set of policies and procedures which are in place to support us to operate safely, legally and in the appropriate way. These policies are listed below and additional details are available upon request:

- Anti Bullying & Discrimination Policy
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Comments & Complaints Procedure
- Data Protection & Confidentiality Policy
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Financial Controls Policy & Procedure
- Risk Management Policy
- Safeguarding & At Risk Persons Policy
- Social Media Policy & Guidance
- Volunteer Policy

South Yorkshire Charity Mentors Logo
Our mentoring programme connects the senior leaders of South Yorkshire’s charities and community groups with experienced leaders from other sectors, giving them the opportunity to secure strategic level mentoring and support. Our proactive programme is based on short term mentoring relationships which mainly focus on strategic issues. The programme is free of charge.