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Janet has wide experience within the voluntary and community sector as volunteer, Board member, Director and CEO. Janet also has extensive experience of partnership working. Janet was previously Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR) where she led the organisation for 17 years, working with 1,200 VCS organisations. She has represented VAR and the VCS in major strategic partnerships locally, regionally and nationally. Janet is currently lay member of the Rotherham NHS CCG and is a member of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Independent Ethics Panel. Janet holds a number of Director and Trustee roles and is Lead Assessor in Rotherham for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Janet is a deputy Lieutenant in South Yorkshire.

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Our mentoring programme connects the senior leaders of South Yorkshire’s charities and community groups with experienced leaders from other sectors, giving them the opportunity to secure strategic level mentoring and support. Our proactive programme is based on short term mentoring relationships which mainly focus on strategic issues. The programme is free of charge.