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David held a range of senior posts in a thirty year career in the NHS, managing general and teaching hospitals and community health services in England and Scotland. He then worked for the Audit Commission until he retired, where his specialisms were health inequalities, regeneration, partnerships and asset management, and he first trained as a mentor and mediator.

As a volunteer, David has been a trustee of a mental health charity in Sheffield acting as Chair of the Board for 8 years, and has held various roles in the leadership team of one of Sheffield’s largest parish churches. He is currently a trustee of the Sheffield Church Burgesses, a charity that has supported church, general charitable and community organisations in the City since 1554.

South Yorkshire Charity Mentors Logo
Our mentoring programme connects the senior leaders of South Yorkshire’s charities and community groups with experienced leaders from other sectors, giving them the opportunity to secure strategic level mentoring and support. Our proactive programme is based on short term mentoring relationships which mainly focus on strategic issues. The programme is free of charge.